Dissertation vs Thesis: What You Need to Know
If you are thinking about pursuing a degree after you have earned a bachelor’s degree, you will need to know the difference between a thesis and dissertation. Many bachelors’ programs require you to complete a thesis before graduation, but many programs require alternative projects such as senior surveys or required hours at a facility gaining experience. Still, though you may have some idea of what a thesis entails and there are a few things that make different from a dissertation. We’ll explore the difference in-depth in this article:
“What is the Difference Between a Thesis and Dissertation?”
The major difference between these two projects is when you have to complete them to achieve a specific degree. A thesis project is usually a requirement when you are finishing your bachelor’s or master’s degree programs. A dissertation is a project that is a requirement when you are finishing a doctoral program. Another difference between a thesis and dissertation is the scope of work required for each. The former can be less than 50 pages long and require about a semester’s worth of time to complete. The latter can take up anywhere between a year to 3 years to complete and can be several hundred pages long.
“Thesis Vs Dissertation: How Do I Know Which To Choose?”
Your discipline’s department will have different requirements depending on the type of degree you are working towards earning. You can work on a thesis or dissertation at the same time when you are working towards earning a bachelor’s degree. But you are limited to just the latter when you are working towards a Ph.D. A dissertation is often considered to be the culmination of your formal education. All the work that comes afterward is professional and determined by your interests and aspirations.
“Thesis Or Dissertation: What Is the Better Choice for Me?”
There are three things you need to consider when deciding on thesis vs. dissertation: 1) project scope and length; 2) data collection methods; and 3) department requirements. The last point of consideration is largely out of your hands. The department decides what it wants from students to earn a degree. While some exceptions are made from time to time, you can rarely bypass having to write either.
This brings us to the first two points of consideration. The first thing to consider is project scope and length. You need to think about the amount of research you will need to conduct as well as the amount of writing you have to do. Factor in the amount of time you have to work on the project and you’ll get closer to your answer.
The last (albeit second) point of consideration is the method you will use to collect your information or data. If you need to conduct interviews or surveys you will need to plan for other people’s schedules. If you plan on researching data from prior resources you will need to spend a lot of time requesting and poring over the information. Consider each of these aspects to make an informed choice.
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